Super wide angle MEMS scanner


The present invention relates generally to optical MEMS, and more particularly to optical scanners using MEMS. Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) means the integration of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics (electronic equipment) on a common silicon substrate by microfabrication technology. To do. For example, microelectronics are typically fabricated using an integrated circuit (IC) process, while micromechanical components use a micromachining process similar to that process to selectively select portions of a silicon wafer. It is produced by forming mechanical parts and electromechanical parts by etching away or adding new structural layers. MEMS devices are low-cost, can be batch-produced, and are compatible with standard microelectronics, so they can be used for spectroscopic measurement, shape measurement, environmental sensing, refractive index measurement (or material recognition), and other sensor applications An attractive candidate suitable for. Furthermore, since the MEMS device is small in size, the MEMS device can be integrated into a mobile device or a handheld device.



united states
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current assignee: 
Si Ware Systems SI Ware Systems Inc
Status Date: 
April 30, 2015
Si Ware Systems SI Ware Systems Inc
worldwide applications: 
2015 . us us . 2026 . kr au ca wo es ep cn mx jp . 2017 . us us 2018 . il

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