Structured silicon-based thermal emitter
An optical radiation source produced from a disordered semiconductor material, such as black silicon, is provided. The optical radiation source includes a semiconductor substrate, a disordered semiconductor structure etched in the semiconductor substrate and a heating element disposed proximal to the disordered semiconductor structure and configured to heat the disordered semiconductor structure to a temperature at which the disordered semiconductor structure emits thermal infrared radiation.

united states
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Yasser M. Sabry, Diaa Khalil, Tarik E. Bourouina, Momen Anwar
current assignee:
SI Ware Systems SAE SI Ware Systems Inc
Status Date:
June 26, 2017
SI Ware Systems SAE SI Ware Systems Inc
worldwide applications:
2015 . us us . 2026 . kr au ca wo es ep cn mx jp . 2017 . us us 2018 . il
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