neospectra dans les usines d'aliments pour animaux


Obtenez des résultats d'analyse précis et instantanés pour les ingrédients, les mélanges et les aliments transformés avec un investissement minimal.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Tackle Key Challenges in Animal Nutrition

Animal nutrition businesses operate in a dynamic landscape that poses significant challenges. Adapting to these demands requires innovative solutions to ensure precision and efficiency.

Escalating costs of ingredients drive operational expenses higher.
Perform real-time testing to optimize formulations and reduce waste.
Varying supplier specifications affect optimal feed formulation.
Test raw materials on delivery instantly to ensure optimal batch formulation.
Testing in a traditional lab delays actionable decisions.
Get lab-grade results instantly to enable on-the-spot decisions.
Achieving consistent quality in feed batches is a persistent issue.
Conduct continuous testing to maintain uniformity and reduce variability.

Facing Similar Challenges ?

Talk To Our Experts

Comprehensive Tools for Complete Feed Analysis

From handheld devices to cloud-based management, NeoSpectra offers everything you need for fast, accurate, and reliable feed analysis across your entire operation.

NeoSpectra Scanner
Handheld spectrometer for instant, accurate NIR analysis on the go.
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Scan App
Gain detailed insights into sample composition, including
key parameters.
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Conformity App
Quickly determine if samples meet defined quality thresholds
with pass/fail results.
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Cloud Portal
An interface that facilitates decision-making based on aggregated results and centralized reports
Learn More

Features That Deliver Real Results

Discover how NeoSpectra combines advanced features to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and better decision-making for your operations.
Not sure how this works for you?
Book a Free Consultation

Fast and Easy to Use

Get accurate, lab-grade results instantly on-site, enabling quick decisions and reducing the need for specialized training.


Lower your operational costs by eliminating the reliance on external lab testing and minimizing sample transport.

Seamless Data Integration

Automatically sync results with your existing systems for better data management and smarter decision-making.

Analyze a Wide Range of Feed, Feed Ingredients, and Products

Enable precise quality control and formulation adjustments across materials and ingredients
including liquids and non-homogeneous samples.

Forages, hay, and haylages

Alfalfa, alfalfa, hay, & haylage, grass hay, mixed hay.


‍ Ensilage de maïs, ensilage de luzerne, ensilage d'herbe, ensilage de sorgho, etc.


Farine de soja, farine de coton, céréales séchées distillées (DDG), tourteau de canola, farine de tournesol, farine de viande et d'os, etc.

Aliment granulé

Alimentation pour ruminants, volailles, animaux aquatiques, porcins, équins et plus encore.

Graines oléagineuses

Graines de tournesol, graines de canola, graines de coton, graines de sésame, colza, etc.


Maïs, blé, orge, soja, avoine, seigle, sorgho, etc.


One Scan.
Multiple parameters.

Determine the composition of a variety of nutrients simultaneously.

Decentralized operations with the handheld NIR Scanner

Get accurate readings from anywhere with the most accurate, rugged handheld NIR scanner for field operation.

Farms & fields

Empowering precise feeding through quick, low-cost, and frequent field testing and screening.

Unloading zones

Ensuring the nutritional quality of raw materials, ingredients, and final feed product reception.


Bringing lab accuracy to the production floor, enabling instant decisions for feed compositions.

Storage & distribution

Monitor the impact of storage & distribution conditions on feed quality & nutritional integrity at each location.

Empowering Feed Industry Stakeholders to Support Herd Health and Sustainable Practices

Explore how NeoSpectra delivers specific advantages to key stakeholders across the animal nutrition value chain, addressing their unique challenges and needs.

Feed Mills

Optimize mix formulations and ensure consistent product quality with real-time analysis.

  • Conduct real-time analysis to ensure consistent quality across batches, reducing variability and waste.

  • Verify raw material quality instantly at reception to avoid delays and optimize resource allocation.

  • Minimize downtime with fast, accurate, and portable testing solutions of mixes.


Maximize herd productivity and reduce feeding costs with precision feeding.

  • Use real-time data to tailor feeding strategies, providing the right nutrients to optimize herd productivity.

  • Reduce external testing expenses and feed waste by making data-driven decisions on-site.

  • Quickly adjust feeding regimes based on real-time data, leading to more efficient farm management.

Feed Labs

Increase throughput and simplify calibration management for faster, more reliable results .

  • Enhance sample turnaround times to support frequent and accurate feed testing.

  • Use portable, lab-grade instruments to provide frequent precise analysis improving client satisfaction.

  • Lower instrumentation and operational expenses with NeoSpectra’s cost-effective solutions.

Feed Enterprises

Improve feed production efficiency and optimize resources.

  • Maintain uniform feed quality across locations with centralized data management and actionable insights.

  • Minimize downtime with instant analysis, keeping production on schedule.

  • Leverage real-time data to reduce ingredient waste and streamline production processes organization wide.

See what our Clients have to say

Luis E. Rodriguez-Saona

The achieved accuracy, affordability and the higher handling of NeoSpectra than the other traditional field spectrometers, probably make this device more and more exploitable in soil survey and monitoring.

analyse en temps réel de Kristen Chapman
Spécialiste de la commercialisation des produits laitiers

Lorsque nous envoyons quelque chose au laboratoire, il faut environ deux jours pour obtenir les résultats. Grâce à ces résultats en temps réel grâce à une technologie NIR portable, nous pouvons agir plus rapidement avec nos producteurs et nos clients, ce qui est vraiment énorme pour nous et pour eux.

expérience utilisateur Ralph Ward Clean

L'expérience utilisateur globale est très propre et relativement simple à utiliser pour tous ceux qui travaillent sur le terrain sans une longue courbe d'apprentissage ni de frais généraux importants.

comparaison de christiaan kapper avec d'autres appareils
Responsable mondial du NIR

NutriControl a testé de nombreux appareils/entreprises portables NIR. La qualité de l'appareil détermine son succès ! NeoSpectra possède actuellement l'appareil le plus précis.

Kyle Taysom parle des décisions relatives au site

Grâce à l'analyse sur site avec un outil comme NeoSpectra, je peux prendre des décisions telles que la séparation des charges de haute et de faible qualité de mes ingrédients entrants, je pourrais accepter ou rejeter les charges.


Comment la solution NeoSpectra pour les usines d'aliments pour animaux contribue-t-elle à améliorer le contrôle de la qualité et la cohérence de la production d'aliments pour animaux ?

Quel type de préparation d'échantillon est requis pour l'analyse NeoSpectra ?

Quelle est la période de garantie et quels sont les services d'assistance fournis pendant et après la période de garantie ?

Le scanner NeoSpectra est-il adapté aux conditions environnementales difficiles ?

Quelles sont les différences entre NeoSpectra et les méthodes de test traditionnelles ?

Puis-je obtenir des résultats dans des zones reculées sans accès à Internet ?

Prêt à simplifier les processus d'analyse pour votre entreprise ?

Découvrez NeoSpectra en action et apprenez comment il peut améliorer vos flux de travail d'analyse. Remplissez le formulaire pour demander une démonstration, et nous serons ravis de vous guider à travers ses fonctionnalités uniques.
