Obtenha resultados de análise precisos e instantâneos de ingredientes, misturas e rações processadas com um investimento mínimo.

Key Challenges in Pet Food Production
Pet food manufacturers face a range of challenges in maintaining efficiency, reducing waste, and ensuring nutritional value.
Ensuring Consistent Ingredient Quality
Variations in raw material quality lead to inconsistencies in nutritional content and final product quality.
Optimizing Formulations Across Batches
Inaccurate formulations of processed pet food batches increase waste, rework, and production costs.
Managing Moisture Levels
Excess or insufficient moisture in processed pet food can lead to spoilage and costly recalls.
Streamlining Testing Without Delays
Relying on external labs slows down production decisions, creating bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
Tackling Pet Food Production Challenges with NeoSpectra
NeoSpectra, a portable material analysis device, provides real-time, on-site testing solutions to address key challenges at every stage of the production process.
Ingredient Quality Control
Instantly verify incoming raw materials to ensure they meet specifications, reducing risks of inconsistencies downstream.
Real-Time Batch Formulation
Perform real-time analysis of processed pet food batches, allowing manufacturers to adjust nutrient levels during production to reduce waste, rework, and inconsistencies.
Moisture Control in Production
Utilize NeoSpectra’s rapid moisture analysis to monitor levels before drying and packaging, preventing spoilage and maintaining product stability.
Final Product Testing
Validate the nutritional content of finished pet food products on-site, ensuring they meet desired standards and support customer satisfaction.
Comprehensive Tools for Complete Feed Analysis
From handheld devices to cloud-based management, NeoSpectra offers everything you need for fast, accurate, and reliable pet food analysis.
One Scan.
Multiple parameters.
Determine the composition of a variety of nutrients simultaneously.
Enhance Efficiency and Maintain Consistency from Production to Distribution
Instant, Accurate Testing
Get lab-grade results on-site to enable real-time adjustments and reduce testing costs.
Improved Resource Efficiency
Optimize ingredients to minimize waste and ensure consistent formulations.
Simplified Inventory Management
Verify labeled composition to help retailers manage stock and prevent spoilage.
Perguntas frequentes
How does NeoSpectra help reduce waste in pet food production?

Is NeoSpectra suitable for testing both dry and wet pet food?

Can NeoSpectra test for key nutritional parameters in pet food?

See what our Clients have to say
Quando enviamos algo para o laboratório, leva cerca de dois dias para recuperar esses resultados. Com esses resultados em tempo real com uma tecnologia NIR portátil, podemos agir mais rapidamente com nossos produtores e clientes, o que realmente é muito importante para nós e para eles.
A NutriControl testou muitos dispositivos/empresas portáteis de NIR. A qualidade do dispositivo determina seu sucesso! Atualmente, o NeoSpectra possui o dispositivo mais preciso.
Com a introdução da solução NIR portátil NutriControl e NeoSpectra, esse processo foi drasticamente aprimorado. Agora podemos digitalizar amostras diretamente no local de produção ou no armazém e ver os resultados em tempo real.
Pronto para simplificar os processos de análise da sua empresa?
Veja o NeoSpectra em ação e saiba como ele pode aprimorar seus fluxos de trabalho de análise. Preencha o formulário para solicitar uma demonstração e ficaremos felizes em orientá-lo sobre seus recursos exclusivos.