Handheld near-infrared spectrometers: Where are we heading?
During NIR 2019 conference, Gold Coast, Australia, a presentation upon a critical review of instrumentation and applications of handheld spectrometers was delivered during the plenary session held on Thursday morning, 19 September. Following the conference presentation, a vivid discussion flared up among the audience that equally involved academic scholars, industry representatives, as well as professionals who carry out every day in-the-field applications. Various aspects were raised connected with the emerged new generation of near-infrared instrumentation, with many individuals expressing their point-of-view on the merits and pitfalls of the miniaturized spectrometers. This vigorous dispute and exchange of impressions indicated that the community remains concerned about the applicability of such devices. That concern reflects the still relatively shallowly explored miniaturization versus performance factor, which can only be dismissed by focused feasibility studies with comparative analyses carried out on scientific-grade benchtop spectrometers. It is the aim of the present manuscript to summarize the discussed scientific content and to share the developed point-of-view with addition of our remarks.

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