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Advancing Academic NIR Research with Portable NIR Technology

Ahmed Yehia
8 min Read
Advancing Academic NIR Research with Portable NIR Technology

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In the last decade, the number of research publications on portable Near-Infrared (NIR) technology have surged by over 400%. This increase highlights the growing importance of portable NIR technology in various fields, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down.

This raises questions for those unfamiliar with the technology: What exactly is portable NIR technology? Meanwhile, for those already acquainted, why are these numbers skyrocketing, and why are top universities diving headfirst into this research area?

In this blog, we will explore why researchers find this technology valuable and how it is advancing the NIR research landscape. Moreover, we'll uncover how NeoSpectra has been championing this technology for over a decade, alleviating key pain points for researchers, providing them with cutting-edge tools, and fostering an ever-growing community.

Number of portable NIR Research publications per year
Source: Google Scholar. (2024, May 26). Search results for keywords: "Portable NIR Spectroscopy," "Portable Near-infrared Spectroscopy," "Handheld NIR Spectroscopy," "Handheld Near-infrared Spectroscopy

What is Portable NIR Technology? And how does it differ from traditional NIR methods?

Portable NIR is an important milestone in the evolutionary history of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, which stretches back to the 1800s. Researchers have played a pivotal role in this evolution, transforming NIR spectroscopy into a critical tool for various industries to perform rapid, non-destructive analysis of material composition.

By studying the unique vibrational energies of molecular bonds, particularly C-H, O-H, and N-H, which absorb specific wavelengths in the near-infrared region (780 nm to 2500 nm), researchers have enabled precise identification and quantification of different substances.

Historically, the implementation of NIR technology was limited to research laboratories due to the need for large, expensive benchtop spectrometers. These instruments, while highly accurate, required controlled environments and skilled operators, restricting their use to specialized settings.

Over the last decade, however, technological advancements, particularly in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and optical components, have enabled a major shift in this field.

MEMS technology has facilitated the development of miniaturized portable NIR spectrometers. These devices integrate key components into compact, robust units, democratizing NIR analysis and allowing it to be conducted in situ across various environments, from agricultural fields to pharmaceutical manufacturing floors.

This miniaturization has not only retained the core benefits of traditional NIR technology—namely rapid, non-destructive analysis—but has also added unparalleled convenience and flexibility.

Portable NIR technology represents a significant leap forward in the field of analytical chemistry, replacing bulky, high-cost instruments with handheld devices capable of delivering comparable analytical performance.

These portable units are now employed in diverse applications, including quality control, process monitoring, and real-time decision-making, highlighting their transformative potential.

For industry professionals, portable NIR devices offer enhanced efficiency and immediate on-site analytical capabilities, significantly improving operational workflows.

Researchers benefit from the opportunity to explore new use cases for NIR, broadening the scope of their investigations and uncovering novel applications. The collaboration between industry professionals and researchers fosters innovation, driving the development of new applications and refining existing techniques.

This symbiotic relationship ultimately enhances both academic research and practical applications, paving the way for continuous advancements in the field of NIR spectroscopy. Given the mutual interest in portable NIR by industry and academia, this explains the growing trend in publications on this subject.

Why is Portable NIR the future of NIR research?

The most compelling reason to embrace portable NIR technology is that it's the future. While this field has already produced significant results, it remains fresh with plenty left to explore.

More models need to be created, more tests conducted, more materials analyzed, and more parameters checked. The growing trend doesn’t stop here; it’s just beginning. Integrating portable NIR with emerging technologies like AI, cloud portals, and robotics unlocks even greater possibilities.

For instance, according to current research projects, NIR with drones is being explored to analyze extensive agricultural fields, evaluating soil and water quality. Additionally, Robotic control systems, as seen in this patent, facilitate automated NIR sampling.

Moreover, a breakthrough is expected with advancements in AI and machine learning. These technologies significantly expand the potential of computational methods for advanced analyses to interpret spectral data, opening new avenues for research and discoveries.

Studies using machine learning with NIR spectroscopy, such as those analyzing the biochemical content of raw food materials, illustrate this potential. The applications of portable NIR are continually expanding, and the potential future uses are limitless.

The mentioned examples are just a drop in the ocean. Research in this field is rapidly growing, and those who enter it early will be better positioned to leverage the advancements and secure their place in the future of NIR technology.

Recognizing this trend, many prestigious universities have already adopted portable NIR devices. Universities such as Ohio State University, the University of Georgia, and Cornell University have integrated these tools into divers

From Environmental, Animal feed and Forensics to hemp cannabinoid content analysis, these devices have demonstrated incredible results. Researchers can prepare their datasets, create models, and use the devices to measure materials with  impressive accuracy and reliability, all thanks to the portability and efficiency of NIR technology.

table NIR spectroscopy results for various applications using NeoSpectra

As we've explored the growing importance and benefits of portable NIR technology, it’s clear why top universities and researchers are eagerly adopting these advancements. If you want to know more about Portable NIR technology, you can reach out to one of our experts from Here.

However, to fully appreciate its transformative impact, it’s crucial to understand the significant challenges that traditional NIR methods presented. Let's delve into these challenges and see how portable NIR technology addresses them. Continue reading to find out more.    

How does portable NIR technology overcome traditional NIR challenges?

Traditional NIR spectroscopy often required expensive benchtop devices, posing a significant financial burden for research institutions and limiting accessibility.

The complexity in data management further compounded these challenges, with intricate software and analysis processes demanding specialized skills and significant time investments. Additionally, the maintenance of these sophisticated instruments was both costly and time-consuming, often leading to extended downtimes and further delays in research progress.

 Now that we understand the challenges researchers faced when transitioning from traditional benchtop NIR devices to portable NIR, let's delve into how NeoSpectra addresses them.

How is NeoSpectra leading the portable NIR field?

NeoSpectra has been a front runner in the field of portable NIR technology, growing along side the rise of NIR analysis.

This leadership is recognized by esteemed universities and institutions such as the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), University of Oxford, São Paulo State University, Ohio State University, University of Innsbruck, Cornell University, Cranfield University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Milan, University of South Carolina, Queen's University Belfast, University of Campinas, University of Texas at Austin, University of Wisconsin–Madison, The University of Sydney, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, and many others.

Findings from their research scientifically prove the adequacy of NeoSpectra' s performance in enabling real applications. Here are some key excerpts from these studies:    

"... The data and models developed in this study demonstrate the utility of low-resolution NIR Spectra in this application, and the potential of new, low-cost spectrometers in the application of predicting forage nutritive value."
"... Overall, the work has demonstrated the applicability of NeoSpectra device to be utilized at various stages of the food supply chain, for the rapid and cost-effective screening of Oregano authenticity."
"... Our results support the assertion that a handheld NIR spectrometer has a high potential to simultaneously determine several quality attributes of different types of tomatoes in a practical and fast way"

For further studies and detailed insights, please visit the publications page on NeoSpectra's website. Additionally, a comprehensive summary showcasing the performance of portable NIR devices against traditional benchtop instruments—highlighting their portability, speed, and versatility—can be found in our latest Research Digest

Download the Digest

One reason for the recognition from the universities mentioned above is NeoSpectra’s versatility. Think of NeoSpectra as the Swiss Army knife of material analysis, capable of handling a wide range of applications with ease and precision.

Whether working with powders, liquids, or even non-homogeneous solids, NeoSpectra has got you covered. This broad spectrum of applications demonstrates the adaptability and precision of NeoSpectra devices.

You can even use multiple NeoSpectra devices in your lab without breaking the bank, ensuring accurate and exceptional results every time. To meet the diverse needs of sample types for researchers, NeoSpectra offers a range of products and accessories:

  • Rotator accessory  
  • Saucer accessory
  • Powder Kit
  • Liquid Kit
NeoSpectra portable NIR spectrometers with accessories

Each accessory product is designed to deliver accurate, reliable data while being budget-friendly and easy to use. More information about the use of the cutting-edge scanner and the features of these accessories is summarized in the following brochures.

NeoSpectra devices are remarkably cost-effective, allowing labs to deploy multiple units without burning a hole in their budget. This affordability does not come at the expense of accuracy; NeoSpectra devices deliver precise and reliable results, making them a valuable investment.

The ability to equip a lab with several devices enhances research capabilities and throughput, ultimately leading to more comprehensive and faster scientific discoveries. By balancing cost and performance, NeoSpectra ensures that researchers can achieve exceptional results without compromising their financial resources.

Check our Neospectra Scanner

Effective data management is important for any research endeavor, and NeoSpectra excels in this area with the integration of the LabLake platform. LabLake facilitates seamless data management by providing a centralized system for data storage, analysis, and sharing. This platform simplifies the workflow, allowing researchers to easily manage and interpret their data, collaborate with colleagues, and ensure data integrity.

The ease of use and robust features of LabLake significantly reduce the complexity and time required for data management, enabling researchers to focus more on their core scientific activities. More information about the LabLake platform can be found in the brochure.

Check NeoSpectra LabLake portal

How does NeoSpectra address academic challenges with its technology?

As NeoSpectra's DNA is rooted in research and innovation—its founders who are researchers themselves—the company understands that academic research isn’t always smooth sailing. Budget constraints, funding issues, and the pressure for accuracy can feel like an uphill battle. NeoSpectra recognizes these challenges and offers solutions to make your life easier. To address these needs, NeoSpectra offers a unique set of benefits tailored to the needs of researchers, including the following:

  • Discounts and Special Deals: NeoSpectra offers special deals for academic institutions, making cutting-edge technology affordable. Check out NeoSpectra’s offers designed for researchers and educators.
  • Exclusive Academia License : Share your research results and receive continuous support from our application experts, along with a renewable, cost-free license designed to fuel your research with NeoSpectra' s cutting-edge technology.
  • Access to state-of-the-art tools for model development : NeoSpectra, in partnership with Eigenvector, provides researchers with access to cutting-edge tools for model development. This collaboration ensures that researchers have the latest and most advanced resources at their disposal, enabling them to create robust and accurate models to support their research and innovation.
  • Ongoing Support: At NeoSpectra, we prioritize building lasting relationships with researchers. We regularly check on your progress and share valuable knowledge that can advance your research. Our commitment to ongoing engagement ensures you have continuous support and access to the latest insights and developments in your field.
  • Access to NeoSpectra’ s exclusive network: NeoSpectra acts as a vital mediator between researchers and industry professionals, bridging the gap to create mutually beneficial relationships. By facilitating these connections, NeoSpectra not only helps researchers showcase their work to potential industry partners but also brings new opportunities for collaboration. This creates win-win-win relationships where researchers, industry professionals, and NeoSpectra all benefit and thrive together.


Portable Near-Infrared (NIR) technology has emerged as a transformative trend in research, gaining traction due to its cost-effective, accurate, and versatile solutions. The increasing adoption of portable NIR by top universities worldwide underscores its critical role in advancing scientific discovery and innovation.

Research in portable NIR is undoubtedly the future. Missing out on this technology means losing out on significant advancements. The integration of NIR with AI, machine learning, and robotics further expands research possibilities, making it an indispensable tool for modern researchers. This technology is being utilized across various fields, from soil analysis to food and feed quality control, illustrating its broad applicability and impact.

NeoSpectra leads this innovation by providing tools that address common research challenges such as budget constraints and sample transportation. By adopting portable NIR technology, researchers can enhance efficiency and accuracy in their studies. NeoSpectra’ s dedication to supporting the academic community ensures that advanced research tools are accessible to all, helping researchers achieve their full potential.

To stay at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation, incorporating portable NIR technology is crucial. Embrace the future of research with NeoSpectra’ s portable technology and unlock new possibilities in your field.


What is Portable NIR Technology?

Portable NIR (Near-Infrared) technology is a handheld version of traditional NIR spectrometers. It allows for high-accuracy, non-destructive analysis of materials in various field applications without the need for large, costly bench top devices.

Why are researchers racing to use Portable NIR technology?

Researchers are racing to use portable NIR technology because it offers cost-effective, accurate, and versatile solutions for analyzing a wide range of materials in the field or lab. It addresses challenges such as budget constraints, complex data management, and the logistical issues of transporting samples.

What are the benefits of using Portable NIR devices in research?

Portable NIR devices provide high-precision analysis, are user-friendly, save time and money by eliminating the need to transport samples, and can be used directly in the field or lab for real-time results.

How is Portable NIR technology integrated with emerging technologies?

Portable NIR technology is increasingly integrated with AI, machine learning, and robotics, which expands its research possibilities. For example, it is used with drones for agricultural field analysis and robotics systems for automated sampling.

Which fields benefit from Portable NIR technology?

Portable NIR technology benefits a wide range of fields, including soil analysis, food quality control, cannabinoid content analysis, textile authentication, and more.

What is NeoSpectra’ s role in Portable NIR technology?

NeoSpectra is a leader in portable NIR technology, providing tools that address common research challenges. Their products are used by top universities worldwide and are known for their versatility, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness.

How does NeoSpectra support the academic community?

NeoSpectra supports the academic community by offering data management solutions, discounts for academic institutions, lifetime licenses, and ongoing model support and partnerships to enhance research efficiency and accuracy.

What are some applications of Portable NIR technology?

Applications of portable NIR technology include analyzing soil and water quality, assessing food quality, authenticating textiles, and measuring cannabinoid content in hemp. Its uses continue to expand with ongoing research and technological advancements.

Why should researchers adopt Portable NIR technology?

Researchers should adopt portable NIR technology to stay at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation. It enhances research efficiency, accuracy, and offers new possibilities for various applications.

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